Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dylan's Annual Season Greetings Performance

Today was Dylan's Christmas performance. I always look forward to this every year and still get teary eyed every time I see him up there. Here are some pictures and videos from the performance. Hopefully you can spot him out....I didn't get a seat as close as I would of liked but hey at least it was close enough. Enjoy!

Monday, November 17, 2008

No job, No fun

Not having a job sucks.....this economy is really getting on my nerves.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Dylan Richman

I love this boy. So, so much. He really is a great kid. I think about all that this lil man has been through and I love him for it. He has remained strong and has been by my side every step of the way. I love how much he loves me and I feel so lucky :) He has such a kind heart and is very loving. He is intelligent and always blows me away with his amazing thoughts and ideas. I am so lucky to have such an amazing son and I would truly do anything for him.

Dylan's new pet.........Bob the lizard

Dylan has a new pet!!! I would like you all to meet Bob, the lizard. It is a Western Fence lizard to be exact and what's more hilarious than anything is that Bob is a girl, but Dylan said "Let us forget she's a girl and just call it Bob". I love my lil man!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I know, I know it's kinda late in the game..but hey better late than never.
Halloween was great this year. Dylan is definitely getting into it more and the years pass. He had two costumes also. Which I have noticed is becoming a theme because last year he did the same. Anyway, Dylan was Jason from Friday the 13th and was also a motor cross racer. He got tons of candy and was even a brave boy and went through a haunted house!! We love Halloween! After all the trick r' treating we went to our hot spot on Fridays "Bob's Big Boy" to check out the old cars and get some food in our bellies.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Alrigh, Alright sis, I know they are long over due, but here the carving pumkin pics!!

We had a wonderful night of pumpkin carving and here are the pics to prove it! We bought a ridiculously large pumpkin but it was so much fun to carve. Dylan requested the Friday the 13th mask on it so I made it happen. Enjoy! Oh yea, Dylan wanted to stick his foot in the pumpkin....what a weirdo. HaHa

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dylan's Costume Choice 2008!!

Jason from Friday the 13th!!!!! He's very proud :)
Are you scared??????

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Family Trip to the Pumkin Patch

So we had this awesome trip to Tanaka Farms on Saturday (10/18) with The Stopniks (whom we love so dearly) and my mom of course. We had so much fun. Dylan ran around everywhere with Matt and those two started a whole pumpkin rolling down the hill was hilarious! We found an extra big pumpkin to carve and I picked some vegetables. Drayden also enjoyed his first trip to the patch. WE also made a pit stop at another local patch that Dylan loves. It had slides, jumpers and a train!! We always have so much fun as a family and I truly cherish every moment of it. I can't wait for more to come. Life is good :)

The Crazy Pumpkin Rollers
King of the pumkins
Being attacked!

Being a weirdo

The Twilight Series

I'm a Bella! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Okay so I have an obsession with these amazing books. It's a healthy obsession though because it involves reading :) When my mom first introduced me to these books I was a little skeptical. I thought "oh come on, these books are for teens, how can I relate", but then my mom went on to tell me that the books had to do with vampires and from then on she got me. I love vampires and have always been so interested in them, it's the goth in me, so this was the perfect book for me. It also has a great love story to it and I'm a sucker for lovey dovey stuff. I'm lame like that :) my mom got me the first book in the series "twilight" and i remember reading the first paragraph and not putting it down for hours. I would read it and Dylan would ask "what's going on in it now mommy?" because he knew how into I was. It was pretty darn cute. I pretty much finished the book in a week and went on to the others. I now am reading the second to the last book called "Eclipse". Almost done and on to the last one "Breaking Dawn"! So excited! I highly recommend these books.

Switching it up..

Hello everyone. Dylan and I have decided to switch things up on here. We're going to keep it artistic but we also want to show you all our adventures and what we're into right now. Dylan has alot to share and so we don't want to limit ourselves on our blog. We want to talk about family, toys, books and whatever else tickles our fancy. Hope you all enjoy!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dylan's favorite toy for now..........

This is IRON MONGER!!!!!! All the power of the Iron Monger is focused on the destruction of Iron Man. Iron Monger makes the pavement crack, buildings shudder and cause some major chaos! How could not love this guy!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Dylan's Greatest Costume Moment So Far!

Dylan's Recent Bionicle Creation

Artist of the Week (Liana's pick)

Nicoletta Ceccoli and Kukula

One of my favorite artists (Kukula) gets together with illustrator Nicoletta to make some awesome artwork!!

*Nicoletta Ceccoli (San Marino, Italy) has made a name for herself illustrating children's books, including winning the prestigious Italien Anderson Prize for best illustrator of the year in 2001. She recently has been showing paintings in US galleries and has already has already garnered great demand for her allegorical, luminous, dream-like paintings. Painted in acrylic on paper, each work is meticulously crafted to the point where brush stokes disappear, and each image seems to float within it's own hazy light. This is her first major US gallery exhibition.

*Kukula (San Francisco) takes a darker spin, placing her sexy/sickly doll-like subjects in situations usually only one step away from disaster. In this particular series, she explores the idea of the "last hour before death", using death as a metaphor for both a beginning and an end. She has painted most of her paintings in a 5" x 7" format to better play of the concept of her characters final snapshots, and the work will be displayed in a memento mori/funeral type setting.

If interested, word on the street that the exhibit will be out in L.A soon. I'll keep ya posted!

Artist of Week (Dylan's Pick)


Salvador Dali was probably the most famous surealistic artist of the 20th. century. His oniric paintings are wonderful and for sure will remain as classics for ever. Nevertheless it is indeed very difficult to apreciate his original paintings. Even if you take an airplane to visit the Salvador Dali museum in Figueras (where he is buried in his house), you could only see only a fraction of the paintings, since most Salvador Dali paintings are spread worldwide

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Artist of the day ( Liana's pick)

Rick “Dienzo” Blanco is a Los Angeles area artist whose collection of dark little characters are meant to intrigue, entice and perhaps cause a bit of anxiety. While his experience in commercial art as an award-winning designer spans over 15 years, his love of fine art has existed since he was old enough to hold a pencil. His most recent style is greatly influenced by his work for Disney, Mattel and most recently, Cartoon Network. In this role, he serves as creative director of product development and collaborates with internal partners and licensees to oversee the development of toys, video games, sporting goods and more based on the network’s original properties.
In creating his art, Dienzo sees the technical aspect as, “taking the world of cartoon like characters and rendering them in the traditional medium of acrylic on canvas. From a content perspective, it’s drawing from the influence of pop-culture elements and experiences as a kid like watching The Munsters and The Addams Family or visiting the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.
“I’ve always been inspired by the darker side of life,” says Dienzo. Here it’s the juxtaposition of “cute and cuddly” with something slightly subversive or sinister that makes these characters and vignettes accessible. “The timing is also right as more and more artists are bridging the gap between fine art and merchandise. They now understand the value of approaching their art as a brand and managing new opportunities from that point of view.” Dienzo has already signed his first licensed product agreement with Aaron Adam Artworks to produced limited and open edition giclee prints. “The real beauty of this genre is that the imagery can live on the shelves of specialty retailers like Hot Topic or Urban Outfitters as readily as on the walls of a gallery.”
Dienzo received his bachelor’s degree in graphic design and an executive MBA from Loyola Marymount University. Having established a body of work and a client base with Cuban themed neo-expressionism under the name of “Rick Blanco,” the pseudonym “Dienzo” was chosen to differentiate his new paintings from the existing style. It is a hybrid of his sons’ names (Diego & Lorenzo) and is meant to preserve the wide-eyed naiveté of childhood while creating a legacy for his own sons. He resides with his wife and boys near Pasadena, California.

Auntie Nen, this artist is right up your alley! He reminded us of you :)
If everyone would like more info on him check out his blog at :

Friday, June 27, 2008

Artist Of The Day (Dylan's Choice)

Mickey Mouse by Warhol
As early as his comic strip and Campbell's Soup-can paintings of the early 1960s, Warhol exhibited an unerring sense for the powerful motifs of his time -- contemporary images that captured the modern imagination as completely as the gods and goddesses of ancient mythology once did. Interestingly, in choosing Myths as the title of his 1981 portfolio of 10 screen prints, Warhol was referring not to remote civilizations, but to the beginnings of the cinema and the imaginary characters loved and recognized by millions all over the world. Mickey Mouse by Andy Warhol derives from the animation; the Myths Series are Warhol's first and only depictions of imaginary persons. Reminiscent of the artist's own earlier work, as well as common childhood memories and dated media personalities, Warhol's Myths Series relies heavily on nostalgia for its impact. Most images in Warhol's Myths Series are taken from old Hollywood films or 1950s television. The majority of them are fantasy characters from childhood and, typical of Warhol, they are all American or Americanized subjects. With his Myths Series, he portrayed nothing less than the universal view of America's once enchanted and powerful past. From the outset, Warhol was working from an understanding of the degree to which images are bound by context. He understood that they are what they are, because of where they are, who made them and how their virtues are described in language.Included in the Myths Series is this particular print entitled Mickey Mouse.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Artist Of The Day: Camille Rose Garcia (Liana's Pick)

Camille Rose Garcia was born in 1970 in Los Angeles, California and grew up in the generic suburbs of Orange County, visiting Disneyland and going to punk shows with the other dissenchanted youth of that era. Her paintings of creepy cartoon children living in wasteland fairy tales are critical commentaries on the failures of capitalist utopias. Creative influences include Phillip K. Dick, William Burroughs, Henry Darger,Walt Disney, as welll as politically aware bands like The Clash and Dead Kennedys. Her recent solo show, Ultraviolenceland, explored ideas of violence and empire.Her work has appeared in Flaunt Magazine, Rolling Stone, Juxtapoz, and Paper Magazine, among others. She currently lives in Los Angeles.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog!

Dylan and I decided to start a blog to show everyone all the artistic things we do. It's a big deal to both of us and we would like to share it with you all ;) We will put on our latest drawings, lego creations, bionicle creations, photos and whatever else we come up with. Enjoy!