Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I know, I know it's kinda late in the game..but hey better late than never.
Halloween was great this year. Dylan is definitely getting into it more and the years pass. He had two costumes also. Which I have noticed is becoming a theme because last year he did the same. Anyway, Dylan was Jason from Friday the 13th and was also a motor cross racer. He got tons of candy and was even a brave boy and went through a haunted house!! We love Halloween! After all the trick r' treating we went to our hot spot on Fridays "Bob's Big Boy" to check out the old cars and get some food in our bellies.


Anonymous said...

Loved your costume Dylan! We missed you on Halloween night. I'm glad you had fun.

Lydia said...

I loved your costumes. I'm glad you had a lot of fun. I enjoyed watching you in your school parade.