Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Twilight Series

I'm a Bella! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Okay so I have an obsession with these amazing books. It's a healthy obsession though because it involves reading :) When my mom first introduced me to these books I was a little skeptical. I thought "oh come on, these books are for teens, how can I relate", but then my mom went on to tell me that the books had to do with vampires and from then on she got me. I love vampires and have always been so interested in them, it's the goth in me, so this was the perfect book for me. It also has a great love story to it and I'm a sucker for lovey dovey stuff. I'm lame like that :) my mom got me the first book in the series "twilight" and i remember reading the first paragraph and not putting it down for hours. I would read it and Dylan would ask "what's going on in it now mommy?" because he knew how into I was. It was pretty darn cute. I pretty much finished the book in a week and went on to the others. I now am reading the second to the last book called "Eclipse". Almost done and on to the last one "Breaking Dawn"! So excited! I highly recommend these books.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get to the next book. You were so right when you said "just read the first pages and you will be sucked in". LOVING IT!!! I can't wait to see the movie. I wish I had time to just power through it and finish the book tonight.

Anonymous said...

I love that we both ended up being Bella.

Liana Richman said...

I Know!! I love it :)

Lydia said...

It's because you are both muy bellas!! It reminded me of when I would read Stephen King books and Nen as a little girl would want to know what was happening in the book. I believe it was Pet Cemetery and Cujo. Our family is just kind of different that way. I suppose I should have been reading a classic of some kind!! Classic Stephen King.