Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dylan's Annual Season Greetings Performance

Today was Dylan's Christmas performance. I always look forward to this every year and still get teary eyed every time I see him up there. Here are some pictures and videos from the performance. Hopefully you can spot him out....I didn't get a seat as close as I would of liked but hey at least it was close enough. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Ok seriously..I was crying! I love Tate so much. I love his performances. I can just watch that again and again. I do not want to keep missing these performances.

Lydia said...

Oh my beautiful boy. I was excited I saw your performance even if it was on tape. Now, I have to watch it on Auntie Nen's computer because my work computer doesn't have speakers. Bummer!! But I loved it and I love you so very very much.

Lydia said...

I just watched this again from my office computer (no sound) but who was the camerman. It was kind of like Blair Witch Project!! Of course, Liana and Dylan are my precious babies!! ..even if I get a little dizzy...or maybe it's just me!