Thursday, October 30, 2008

Alrigh, Alright sis, I know they are long over due, but here the carving pumkin pics!!

We had a wonderful night of pumpkin carving and here are the pics to prove it! We bought a ridiculously large pumpkin but it was so much fun to carve. Dylan requested the Friday the 13th mask on it so I made it happen. Enjoy! Oh yea, Dylan wanted to stick his foot in the pumpkin....what a weirdo. HaHa

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dylan's Costume Choice 2008!!

Jason from Friday the 13th!!!!! He's very proud :)
Are you scared??????

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Family Trip to the Pumkin Patch

So we had this awesome trip to Tanaka Farms on Saturday (10/18) with The Stopniks (whom we love so dearly) and my mom of course. We had so much fun. Dylan ran around everywhere with Matt and those two started a whole pumpkin rolling down the hill was hilarious! We found an extra big pumpkin to carve and I picked some vegetables. Drayden also enjoyed his first trip to the patch. WE also made a pit stop at another local patch that Dylan loves. It had slides, jumpers and a train!! We always have so much fun as a family and I truly cherish every moment of it. I can't wait for more to come. Life is good :)

The Crazy Pumpkin Rollers
King of the pumkins
Being attacked!

Being a weirdo

The Twilight Series

I'm a Bella! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Okay so I have an obsession with these amazing books. It's a healthy obsession though because it involves reading :) When my mom first introduced me to these books I was a little skeptical. I thought "oh come on, these books are for teens, how can I relate", but then my mom went on to tell me that the books had to do with vampires and from then on she got me. I love vampires and have always been so interested in them, it's the goth in me, so this was the perfect book for me. It also has a great love story to it and I'm a sucker for lovey dovey stuff. I'm lame like that :) my mom got me the first book in the series "twilight" and i remember reading the first paragraph and not putting it down for hours. I would read it and Dylan would ask "what's going on in it now mommy?" because he knew how into I was. It was pretty darn cute. I pretty much finished the book in a week and went on to the others. I now am reading the second to the last book called "Eclipse". Almost done and on to the last one "Breaking Dawn"! So excited! I highly recommend these books.

Switching it up..

Hello everyone. Dylan and I have decided to switch things up on here. We're going to keep it artistic but we also want to show you all our adventures and what we're into right now. Dylan has alot to share and so we don't want to limit ourselves on our blog. We want to talk about family, toys, books and whatever else tickles our fancy. Hope you all enjoy!