Monday, July 21, 2008

Dylan's favorite toy for now..........

This is IRON MONGER!!!!!! All the power of the Iron Monger is focused on the destruction of Iron Man. Iron Monger makes the pavement crack, buildings shudder and cause some major chaos! How could not love this guy!!!


Anonymous said...

I love this guy. Is that one of his victims lying there underneath him?

Lydia said...

Pretty awesome. I agree with Nen. Is that the Blue Head monster?

Liana Jauregui said...

That is one of the sad guys just don't have a chance when it comes to monger.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of giving Dylan my collection of comic books. What do you think? There's an Iron Man in the collection that I want him to have. He needs to see Iron Man, but we'll have to strategically have him miss the first half hour. He'll love it. Monger is in the movie.

Anonymous said...

I love that Budda quote! Norma Jean kicks ass!!!

Unknown said...

I know Iron Man rules, but Iron Monger is pretty awesome too! I love how he looks all tough!