Friday, June 27, 2008

Artist Of The Day (Dylan's Choice)

Mickey Mouse by Warhol
As early as his comic strip and Campbell's Soup-can paintings of the early 1960s, Warhol exhibited an unerring sense for the powerful motifs of his time -- contemporary images that captured the modern imagination as completely as the gods and goddesses of ancient mythology once did. Interestingly, in choosing Myths as the title of his 1981 portfolio of 10 screen prints, Warhol was referring not to remote civilizations, but to the beginnings of the cinema and the imaginary characters loved and recognized by millions all over the world. Mickey Mouse by Andy Warhol derives from the animation; the Myths Series are Warhol's first and only depictions of imaginary persons. Reminiscent of the artist's own earlier work, as well as common childhood memories and dated media personalities, Warhol's Myths Series relies heavily on nostalgia for its impact. Most images in Warhol's Myths Series are taken from old Hollywood films or 1950s television. The majority of them are fantasy characters from childhood and, typical of Warhol, they are all American or Americanized subjects. With his Myths Series, he portrayed nothing less than the universal view of America's once enchanted and powerful past. From the outset, Warhol was working from an understanding of the degree to which images are bound by context. He understood that they are what they are, because of where they are, who made them and how their virtues are described in language.Included in the Myths Series is this particular print entitled Mickey Mouse.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Artist Of The Day: Camille Rose Garcia (Liana's Pick)

Camille Rose Garcia was born in 1970 in Los Angeles, California and grew up in the generic suburbs of Orange County, visiting Disneyland and going to punk shows with the other dissenchanted youth of that era. Her paintings of creepy cartoon children living in wasteland fairy tales are critical commentaries on the failures of capitalist utopias. Creative influences include Phillip K. Dick, William Burroughs, Henry Darger,Walt Disney, as welll as politically aware bands like The Clash and Dead Kennedys. Her recent solo show, Ultraviolenceland, explored ideas of violence and empire.Her work has appeared in Flaunt Magazine, Rolling Stone, Juxtapoz, and Paper Magazine, among others. She currently lives in Los Angeles.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog!

Dylan and I decided to start a blog to show everyone all the artistic things we do. It's a big deal to both of us and we would like to share it with you all ;) We will put on our latest drawings, lego creations, bionicle creations, photos and whatever else we come up with. Enjoy!

Our Favorite Artists

So the first 3 photos are Dylan's favorite artists, Salvador Dali, GAMA-Go and Charles S Anderson. Then the next 5 are mine. The First artist is Stella Im Hultberg, Second is Camille Rose Garcia, the Third is Kathie Olivas,Fourth Tara McPherson and last is Mark Ryden. Let us know what ya think :)